08 March 2012

Migrate lah / Stay ?

Ever since returning to Motherland, my urge to return to the UK surged up.
I mean I was not sure what made me sad when I return to Malaysia. It was all downhill when I kept questioning why did I return home?

Many posed the questions like - Why didn't you do the BPTC course in United Kingdom?

I am really not sure why I came home. I know I came back not for myself but for others.
One is for my parents. I mean if I came back, heck, I sure saved a lot of £££££££££.
Two- Well, I cannot resist the food. I actually gained my 'healthy' self within 3 days. MALAYSIA BOLEH!
Three- Comfort zone. The people, the car and family/friends !
Four- The timing. I thought if I come back and do the   (£$*&$$£"££ )    CLP Course with my beloved and disciplined friends, I might have a better chance of focusing on it this year itself and GRAB THAT Precious Lawyer License .

Why I want to migrate to UK:

- I dislike how the government seeks to govern the people in an unruly manner. Money missing and unreasonable explanation for them.
-I dislike the jam-packed streets during office hours and non-office hours. You gotta know the behind roads and also depend on your luck to drive in a no-jam ZONE.
-I dislike how people are not as friendly as the place called Newcastle, UK.
-I dislike how restricted and non-conformist way of living.

and basically more that I should not elaborate on.

But perhaps it is a matter of perspective and a change of heart to see why I should not migrate. Maybe I just have to try to change how things are or look the other side and appreciate what I have here =)


  1. Well, before you migrate, vote for opposition first!

  2. there are no place like home but since you're young go where there's opportunity for you. I love Malaysia so much that I want to be back here for my retirement or at least to raise my kids :)

  3. well, it depends on perspective you see. What do you seek to achieve in life (long-term) or what do you want in terms of where you live?

    It is true that there is no place like home. Food and the funny mixture of everything that makes Malaysia one of a kind, where our roots can't just rub off like that!

    haha votes eh, MR/MS Anonymous!
